
Nest Modules can export their components. It means that we can easily share component instance between them. The best way to share an instance between two or more modules is to create Shared Module.

Nest模块可以导出其组件。也就是说我们可以轻松在模块之间共享组件。 模块间共享组件的最好方式是创建共享模块图片标题

For example - if we want to share ChatGateway component across entire application, we could do it in this way:


import { Module, Shared } from '@nestjs/common';

    components: [ ChatGateway ],
    exports: [ ChatGateway ]
export class SharedModule {}

Then, we only have to import this module into another modules, which should share component instance:


    modules: [ SharedModule ]
export class FeatureModule {}


If you want to share 3rd-party module, you can use Shared as a function:


    modules: [ Shared()(ThirdPartyModule) ]
export class FeatureModule {}


If you don't want to share components across entire application, but only within smaller, defined scope, you can use a namespace-scoped @Shared('namespace') module.


    modules: [ Shared('namespace')(ThirdPartyModule) ]
export class FeatureModule {}

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